A taster abstract for one of the journal papers I have “in submission”.

Researching the global trade in looted cultural objects (slides with audio)
Posted on 6 August 2014
I am (slowly) adding audio to all of my online presentations and here is the first.

Dance of the Maize God: a beautiful film about the pillaging of the Maya past
Posted on 24 July 2014
Out of the looters trench and on to the computer in less than an hour: a film review from Belize.

Hollywood’s ancient Maya: illegal movie footage as trafficked cultural property?
Posted on 13 July 2014
Illegal filming at Mexican archaeological sites carries stiff penalties, as some filmmakers may soon find out.

Maya artefacts and Mexican bandits: trafficking tall tales
Posted on 1 July 2014
A most unbelievable story of a looted (or fake) Maya book and mask.

World’s largest pyramid threatened by road construction
Posted on 11 March 2014
A storm is brewing in the Mexican state of Puebla.

Intact Mexican shaft tomb found, guarded by shaman figurine
Posted on 6 March 2014
A rare, intact western Mexican shaft tomb has been found by archaeologists

Antiquities dealer Leonardo Patterson arrested in Spain
Posted on 12 April 2013
Antiquities dealer, smuggler, and twice (at least) convicted felon Leonardo Patterson has been arrested in Spain

So they sold that Barbier-Mueller stuff over the weekend
Posted on 25 March 2013
Sotheby’s finished up their Barbier-Mueller sale of pre-Columbian antiquities and it went, roughly, as expected.

Maya Murals, Mercury, and Risk
Posted on 30 October 2012
It seems like Maya tomb news is coming hot and heavy these past few weeks.

Images of historic looting
Posted on 26 October 2012
Emotional images of the looting of a Maya temple.

Ad implications: Helping us all get through customs
Posted on 21 December 2011
For the past few months I have been meaning to write about an ad that was featured in the Economist.