*Blush*/*Shameless self promotion*

Dance of the Maize God: a beautiful film about the pillaging of the Maya past
Posted on 24 July 2014
Out of the looters trench and on to the computer in less than an hour: a film review from Belize.

Was the ancient Maya tomb of Copán’s first queen looted “to order”?
Posted on 21 June 2014
The looting of a spectacular Maya tomb only months after it appeared in National Geographic.

When looters find lost cities: Site Q and Ixtontón
Posted on 19 May 2014
Sometimes archaeologists don’t get there first…

‘God is dead and doesn’t watch’: Easter week tomb robbing on Peru’s north coast
Posted on 20 April 2014
Easter Week: the traditional time of grave robbing on Peru’s north coast.

Two pots, two stories: vignette on the looting of Guatemala’s Maya past
Posted on 1 April 2014
How does an ancient Maya vase end up in a UK museum?

Looting Río Azul and “looting” the Detroit Institute of Arts
Posted on 27 July 2013
The controversy surrounding the bankruptcy of the city of Detroit

High Crimes: Studying the Illicit Antiquities Trade in the Bolivian Andes
Posted on 27 July 2013
Yesterday I participated in the Day of Archaeology.