*Blush*/*Shameless self promotion*

Faking the Past: when archaeologists commit fraud
Posted on 2 October 2014
A look at archaeological fraud.

“This is my livelihood”: Maya Mountains cave story
Posted on 21 July 2014
This story comes from a Belizean hostel shareholder who lives along the Hummingbird Highway surrounded by cave-filled mountains.

“They will be looking for it!”: Little boy’s story
Posted on 17 July 2014
After chatting to some kids about how fast ice melts and the proper way to not be eaten by bears or wolves, a little boy told me this story.

“It’s sad because something beautiful was destroyed”: Bus stop story
Posted on 16 July 2014
I heard this while waiting for a bus on the Western Highway. I let two buses pass talking to this guy.

Lost cities and looted tombs: Studying artifact smuggling in Belize
Posted on 11 July 2014
This year I am in the Central American jungle conducting fieldwork on artifact smuggling in Belize.

Heading to Belize for preliminary fieldwork: a call for info
Posted on 30 June 2014
I’m heading to Belize to look into antiquities trafficking. Who who should I speak with?

PhD fieldwork advice? Give up when things are bad and mess around
Posted on 1 June 2014
Words of semi advice to students.