UK museum security and management folks: We want to hear from you!


We’re conducting research into museum security, help us out!

I, along with colleagues from University of the West of Scotland and The University of St Andrews, am conducting a pilot project about museum security preparation and training. Yes, we’re a Scottish Uni power team. We’re pretty excited by this project: it’s fun to flex some cross disciplinary muscles, combining museums/heritage studies, security studies, and criminology to do some very timely research. Our methods are quick and targeted, and part of what we’d like to do is speak to people who are making museum security decisions in the UK.

Is that you? Are you in UK Museum Security or Management? Are you up for a quick phone or email chat about it? Email me!

To be very clear, this research has passed University ethical review, you won’t be asked to reveal any specifics about your security set up, we can include your input anonymously, and we’ll be giving you information about our work both before and after we talk. We can do phone, Skype, email, or if you are near Glasgow, coffee.

Please do get in touch if you’re involved in security decisions at a UK museum. Your perspective is key in this research. Email me!