Introducing the Trafficking Culture Website


Finally, finally I get to show you folks the website for the University of Glasgow’s Trafficking Culture project! Direct your browsers to:

I think the real gem of the whole thing is the Encyclopedia, which is meant to provide brief overviews of interesting case studies, but our Publications section is useful (download those PDFs people), and of course, you can find out about me and what I am up to.
Remember this is a work in progress…very very very in progress. It is a strong start to something that we hope will grow, both in obvious ways (expanding the Encyclopedia, adding more hosted Publications by people not specifically IN the project) and not so obvious ways. Each of our individual research foci will be expanded upon, contain period project updates, and will eventually incorporate multimedia elements and so on. We will be hosting and presenting all sorts of data (we hope).
Also, the site might expand in ways we can’t even imagine. The sky is the limit. Suffice to say it is a fair go and I think it is a good starting point. I’m proud of it!

What do you all think?