This has been a rough week for the past, one in a long line of rough weeks.

Cultural guardian confronts the looters, a profile of… me
Posted on 15 January 2015
*Blush*/*Shameless self promotion*

Dance of the Maize God: a beautiful film about the pillaging of the Maya past
Posted on 24 July 2014
Out of the looters trench and on to the computer in less than an hour: a film review from Belize.

Hollywood’s ancient Maya: illegal movie footage as trafficked cultural property?
Posted on 13 July 2014
Illegal filming at Mexican archaeological sites carries stiff penalties, as some filmmakers may soon find out.

Was the ancient Maya tomb of Copán’s first queen looted “to order”?
Posted on 21 June 2014
The looting of a spectacular Maya tomb only months after it appeared in National Geographic.

Trafficking Culture in National Geographic
Posted on 14 June 2014
New Evidence Ties Illegal Antiquities Trade to Terrorism, Violent Crime, an article on the National Geographic

“LA Times OpEd Distorts Both Archaeology and the Law”
Posted on 7 April 2014
This post is by my colleague Tess Davis who generously allowed me to repost it here.

On BBC Radio Scotland talking about antiquities trafficking
Posted on 5 April 2014
Looting in India and the difficulties involved in prosecuting this type of crime.

What archaeologists can (but usually don’t) do to help reduce the illicit trade in cultural objects
Posted on 10 February 2014
Thoughts on professional inaction

Does the Illicit Antiquities Trade Fund al-Qaida?
Posted on 2 November 2013
Spoiler. I have seen NO public evidence that links the illicit antiquities trade directly to al-Qaida. Sorry. Please contact me with evidence if you have it.

Belize: Anti-Looting posters!
Posted on 25 March 2013
High-five to the Belizean Institute of Archaeology.

[Antiquities] Trafficking Gangs Operate in Bolivia (in English)
Posted on 8 November 2012
Second installment of my translations of a feature the La Razón published on cultural property crime in Bolivia