Last year there was a big rumble-grumble about Sotheby’s Paris’ sale of a portion of the Barbier-Mueller collection of Pre-Columbian antiquities.
Images of historic looting
Posted on 26 October 2012
Emotional images of the looting of a Maya temple.
Introducing the Trafficking Culture Website
Posted on 22 August 2012
Finally, finally I get to show you folks the website for the University of Glasgow’s Trafficking Culture project!
Who is googling? Evangelize or let it rest?
Posted on 7 July 2012
>For the past few days a lot of my brain juice has been focused on the website for Trafficking Culture project
“Infotrapping the Illicit Antiquities Trade”
Posted on 25 February 2012
Dr. Shawn Graham, Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities at Carleton University